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Christy Hens
Aug 24, 20244 min read
Seasons in the Sun
Life is a series of cycles. Astrology gives us the decoder ring to make the most of them.
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Christy Hens
Apr 3, 20212 min read
"I've looked at life from both sides now..."
If you are grieving, as nearly all of us are, I hope this message lands softly in your heart.
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Christy Hens
Mar 14, 20215 min read
Why are there so many songs about rainbows?
This magical interconnectedness that exists within us all is fascinating and wonderous and well, just plain cool.
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Christy Hens
Mar 5, 20216 min read
Fly Me to the Moon...
And here is the thing - the big things, the moments that test us, break us, teach us, mold us, they are all on there.
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Christy Hens
Jan 28, 20215 min read
The Lion Sleeps Tonight...
Lions don't hide their shine for anyone, they just keep beaming as the King of the jungle that they are. Leo is ruled by the Sun after all..
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Christy Hens
Jan 17, 20214 min read
"That's the Story of Love"
Never underestimate what can happen when a whole lot of people send even the slightest bit of love out into the universe.
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Christy Hens
Jan 2, 20216 min read
"Slow Down, You Move too Fast..."
Spirit is sending you signs ALL THE TIME.
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Christy Hens
Nov 28, 20207 min read
"So Love With Your Eyes..."
As with most things from spirit, it’s best not to look for them. It will show up when it’s meant to. I haven’t posted in a while. I have...
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Christy Hens
Oct 11, 20206 min read
You Can Do Magic
I invite you to think back on times your intuition was firing off clues about a situation or thing. Did you listen to it or ignore it?
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Christy Hens
Sep 14, 20206 min read
Sometimes you can't make it on your own...
Signs and messages come from people. In my experience, a lot actually.
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Christy Hens
Sep 1, 20209 min read
You can run, but you can't hide...
For those so compelled, pursuing intuition is not a choice: It is a calling.“ Judith Orloff, MD in Second Sight
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