The flowers caught my eye immediately; of course, because they were striking but also because they were daisies. Dark moody purple for me and traditional white daisies for my mom. Daisies were her favorite flower and since her passing have come to symbolize her to many who miss her. It feels like the 54th of January anyway so fresh flowers will help to boost my mood, I think to myself. I felt immediately that she would want me to buy them for myself and so I did.

This may sound weird to you, but this has been a thing for me since she left this physical plane. She encourages certain purchases and I am always happy to indulge. We were regular shopping partners. It was almost a sport for us; to get deals and show the spoils of our battles to each other. Truly, she taught me everything I know about shopping. In fact, just before I stumbled upon these beautiful flowers, I had been at Marshall’s which was a favorite for both of us. I went simply because it is a place I can go to connect with her.
I had been feeling her around me all week. I had a big decision to make and wasn’t sure which way to go. I know I said out loud at least three times that I wished I could talk to her for her wisdom and insight. And sure, I had talked to her plenty about it but what I really needed was an answer.
Sidenote, for those who have lost their moms, it is amazing the way that surrogate mothers fill your life when you need them. I am blessed with friends of all ages who help me with things I would have taken to her. It is a beautiful thing to behold.
That same night, I dreamt that she was talking to me. It felt very real in how she appeared to me. It was as if we were just hanging out in my kitchen having a cup of tea. She wore a cable knit sweater in a warm rosy color which was her style and her hair was its former, short brown style. The clincher for me that made it feel real was her eyes. They were so intense; I knew it had to be real. We laughed, she told me some things that did not feel earth shattering and there was no weird chaos that dreams generally include. During the dream I knew I would remember her words. Upon waking, I definitely did not. But it was such a warm exchange, I was grateful simply for the visit, feeling validated in some way.
When I woke, I was happy and content. I felt like I had made the right move and both the flowers and her visit convinced me of it. However, because I am me, I needed just a little more evidence. And so, I pulled a card. It was The Field. This one has been coming up for others who are seeking out their loved ones either to get confirmation or just a hello.

I was elated. Yes, I am a medium and I connect others to their loved ones all the time. When it comes to me however, I always feel like I need more evidence.
The same holds true really for all my clients. I specifically ask that Spirit present me with details that will leave my clients without a doubt that their people are making contact.
In a recent client session, I had a young woman in my office. Her grandparents came through who I know she was very close to. Her grandmother had only recently passed within the year. The grandmother showed me an angel food cake. I shared that detail with her, and it didn’t really land for her. I moved on but as always, I share anything that Spirit people show or tell me about because I firmly believe that Spirit does not waste a detail.
She emailed me afterwards to say she shared the angel food cake detail with her own Mother. She confirmed this was a cake her mom often made her for her birthday. How sweet, I thought. No pun intended. A small little detail that leaves little doubt that her grandmother was truly there for the reading.
In another recent session, a woman’s dad came through and before he even showed himself to me in my mind’s eye, I heard the name Pookie. I didn’t share it when I heard it because I wasn’t sure of the context and figured the moment would reveal itself in due time. As we went on, and it was clear it was her dad who came through, I said, “He tells me he had a nickname for you.” Before I could even finish my sentence, she said, “He called me Pookie!” Stole my thunder I thought and smiled. But I was so glad to have that validation for her, and really, for myself.
As our conversation went on, he said it to me again, “Pookie Bear,” this time. And so, I said that to her. “Yes! He called me Pookie Bear.” Her smile was radiant and ear to ear. Again, no doubt that he is truly with her in daily life.
This work I do is life giving but is also rife with uncertainty and requires an immense amount of trust on my part. Trust is not my first language and therein lies my lesson.
This afternoon I was sitting on my couch, and I saw two coyotes out my back window. They were climbing the giant hill of topsoil that has been created by a development project. My guess is they were looking for their den to get on with this year’s mating season. For me, if I have an unusual animal encounter, I will always look for meaning based on that creature.
According to “Animal Speak” by Ted Andrews, coyote appears when we are overcomplicating our lives. They are mystical and playful. They remind us not to become too serious and to know that anything is possible. In short, they remind us to simplify and trust.
Ok, I get it. Guilty as charged. Maybe I don’t need so many confirmations that my mom is trying to help me. I will continue to require evidence for my clients however, because that just makes sense. That is what I am here for.
Maybe there is a lesson in there for you as well? So often I hear from my Spirit friends that their people don’t trust what is coming to them on their behalf. Our loved ones generally make a valiant effort to connect whether it is through dreams, music, smells or other more obvious signs and symbols. We often remain closed off because of disbelief or “wishful thinking” on our part. I am here to tell you that most of the time you think it’s them, it is. Simple as that.
Until we can all believe, I am here, and will continue to share these stories and details to help build the evidence. If we all knew just how connected we truly were, we would never fear or worry again.
Love, Christy xoxo