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Christy Hens
Jan 185 min read
Flowers, Coyotes and Bears, Oh My!
I had been feeling her around me all week. I had a big decision to make and wasn’t sure which way to go. And of course, she delivered.
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Christy Hens
Dec 31, 20245 min read
Enjoy Every Minute
Thus, the great paradox of this being human. How do we do it all while also leaving behind regrets and judgement about not doing enough?
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Christy Hens
Dec 1, 20244 min read
With a Little Help from My Friends
And then I started thinking of other times that magical, lovely people came in and did something truly remarkable.
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Christy Hens
Oct 12, 20244 min read
I Can Buy Myself Flowers
Healing old wounds is hard. How plants can teach us a lesson or two on how it's done.
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Christy Hens
Jun 2, 20244 min read
My Song is Love
I felt strangely soothed by this discovery. Is it the order of things that the cure sits next to the ailment?
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Christy Hens
Apr 22, 20244 min read
These are the Days
I see you Pat. You are getting pretty good at this stuff as time wears on. Thank you for the beautiful reminder that I am never alone.
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Christy Hens
Mar 31, 20244 min read
Follow the Yellow Brick Road
“If you have the power Chrissy, you attack!” Words spoken by my gentle, humble and very devout Grandfather during a wild game of pinochle...
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Christy Hens
Jan 28, 20246 min read
We Were Born to Love
I remember sitting there thinking, “Where am I? What is happening?"
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Christy Hens
Nov 28, 20234 min read
"I'll Be Watching You"
For all of you out there seeking your signs, please remember they come from everywhere and from people too.
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Christy Hens
Oct 31, 20233 min read
Halloween Ghost Stories
Even when we don’t get their message right away, they always deliver.
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Christy Hens
Aug 10, 20233 min read
Caught up in a Wave
When you start to tune in and acknowledge signs, you become attuned to the energy and patterns that surround us everyday.
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Christy Hens
Aug 3, 20233 min read
You Can Go Your Own Way
I wasn't ten minutes away from my house when I stumbled upon a blue heron wading near a pond. I had hurriedly left my house in an effort...
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Christy Hens
Jul 30, 20233 min read
You Come and Go Like a Whisper
The hummingbird sat in the tree, waiting for me to be done. I knew when I finished it would fly away...
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Christy Hens
Mar 25, 20233 min read
And If You Go Chasing Rabbits...
A funny little story for my Dad's 75th birthday in heaven.
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Christy Hens
Mar 12, 20235 min read
Fresh Eyes
Fresh eyes can change the whole story and the path we are on.
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Christy Hens
Feb 23, 20234 min read
"When it's Time to Change..." (Peter Brady, 1972)
What is it time for in your life?
“The dream was planted in your heart for a reason. It is time.” -me (& Saturn)
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Christy Hens
Jan 26, 20233 min read
Morning Has Broken
Does everything have to mean something? No. If you are prone to magical thinking, as I am, you know which way I am going with this one.
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Christy Hens
Nov 19, 20224 min read
Blackbird Fly...
What do Starlings, a whole of of snow and the power of love have to do with each other? Let me tell you...
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Christy Hens
Sep 27, 20223 min read
Let it Go, Let it Go...
Why is it so hard to quit pushing and just trust? Take a journey inside a reading with me.
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Christy Hens
Jul 4, 20224 min read
Ring of Fire
Isn’t this us? Each, one light. Put together, we are all a big beautiful ring of fire. Light shining all around...
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